I first discovered Crystal Skulls around 2 years ago when I bought the book 'The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls' from a second hand book collection a family friend were selling. There was piles of different books but when I discovered it was only 50pence I couldn't help but take it.
Half way into the book, I was sold. Although the story is part fantasy there is some 'real' life stories it's based around. I had to get my own skull to get a feel for their energy. I found my first crystal skull 'Charles' or 'Charlie' on eBay (see picture above) who was carved in China from smoky quartz.
Charlie the Smoky Quartz skull joined me for a few weeks while I conducted readings and I enjoyed having him around. Not long later my second skull joined us. Mikey, a flourite carving much smaller than Charlie came to us. He was carved in China and I bought him from my friend Liam's online store Esoteric Earth and we made this instant connection.
After working with them both for a few weeks my connection with them distanced and they took a nice spot on my bookshelf which sits in front of my bed. I even picked up the crystal skull message cards, wrote an article on them for the Scottish Sun and checked out the Indiana Jones film on them. I enjoyed having the skulls there but wasn't really 100% sure why I had them.
Friends and light workers have been speaking about the mysteries of the crystal skulls. There's legends that there are 13 Ancient Skulls all over our planet that are here to teach us special knowledge that can bring about miraculous changes to our beautiful Earth.
Although there has been some speculation around the legend, the age of these 'ancient' creations such as the Mitchel-Hedges skull (see below) the skulls have an ancient feel about them. Crystals & Gemstones are thousands of years old and have seen more on this planet than us, so I don't doubt for a minute they have amazing information from mother earth stored in them.
For me a
crystal skull is a physical representation of the divine intelligence
offered to us from this amazing planet and heaven. If you think of any
skull it contains the brain which is the computer of the body, when you
connect to a skull created by crystal it's brain is our amazing
we connect with the energies of the crystal skulls we may 'download'
amazing information about the planet but also ourselves which is an
absolute must.
I have met some folk recently who have been unsure of the skulls but I wanted to take this opportunity to say - you have a skull too. They to many people represent death but REMEMBER in spirituality there is NO death, only a transition to the next life which is a very natural process.
Let the skulls be a reminder for you not to fear death, that you one day will return home and connect with all those who have gone before you, the angels and the GOD energy itself.
In the following posts you will see information received during dreams and meditations with the amazing crystal skull family that I keep which has grown to at this time 12 skulls! I feel the 13th is coming very soon, maybe I'll find them at Mind Body Spirit festival in London this weekend...
Wishing you all warm wishes,
Kyle xo