Monday, 30 September 2013

Celtic Cross Relationship Spread

One of the greatest things about working with Tarot & Oracle decks is the fact that with the right intentions we can look into almost ANYTHING. I am someone who believes there isn't really any 'rules' in what you can and can't do, other than being of integrity and for the highest good.

An important factor to developing a connection with a deck and becoming an experienced reader is being able tor read your own cards. You know it's true, you pick cards for yourself all of the time and you might not always like what you see - but you know their insight is the truth. I know when I lead seminars on readings - most people admit they pick a card then if they don't like it they reshuffle. Pay their wisdom respect and take heed on what comes out first.

I have developed my own style and confidence in reading for others but most days I also pick a card for myself... This gives me insight for the day ahead OR if I do it at bedtime it will allow me to reflect on the blessings of the day.

The Celtic Cross Spread is one of the most known tarot spreads used today. It gives an overview of every area of someone's life which is wonderful. I changed the Celtic Cross spread for my own practice and I use it with clients when they're wanting to look into their relationship. Whether it be a new relationship in their life or one that's been around for years - this spread will allow you to see the strengths, emotions and passions before showing the future or presenting guidance for it.

Here's the way I've made the Cross spread work for me:

Elements of the Cross

As someone who's interested in the elements and how they are representative of our states of being, I have made the cross into a compass format. The card at the top (3) representing the element of Earth - showing our foundations and strengths.  Card to the right (4) represents Air - the element of intellect, thoughts and logic. The card at the bottom (5) is the element of Fire - representing our passions and in this case the passion within the relationship. The card to the left (6) is the element of Water - showing the emotions within the relationship.

Future months

The cards on the left hand side represent either future guidance or future predictions depending on your outlook. I do believe the tarot has the ability to forecast our path ahead based on our current state of being and decisions but it's also good to look at the guidance it offers in order for us to move on.

Sample reading

In the first image The Wild Unknown Tarot shows the spread in working order. Here's a basic interpretation to what it is guiding the person who wanted to check into their relationship:

1. The Father of Pentacles - Representing the person who's being read

The most steady of all the court cards, the father of pentacles shows the person who is seeking guidance on their relationship is someone who likes to take their time through life. They don't want any hassle of drama in their life, they'd rather just plod along at a natural pace - enjoying their life and routine. This person is strongly rooted to the ground, they are very loyal.

2. The World - Representing their partner

Their partner too is also quite a content person. There's a great chance that this person has been able to create a lot of success for themselves in their personal life, whether that be career or in another part of their life it's not clear. They're someone who gives all of themselves. A positive, upbeat soul they are filled with potential and the ability to manifest their dreams into reality.

3. IX of Swords - Representing their foundations

The foundation of this relationship right now looks slightly unsteady. It seems that with the father of pentacles and the world representing them both there's great potential for things to get better, but right now their priorities may not be together or in the same space. This card represents making some sacrifices or being able to let go of something of the past in order for them to move forward. In order for their foundation to improve they need to come together and make some sacrifices in other commitments in order to come together.

4. Mother of Wands - Representing their thoughts

This is exciting because these two people really do want to be together. The mother (queen) of wands represents attractiveness and is one of the most strong, vibrant and exciting court cards. These people need to remember the attraction they have for each other and get back to basics. Looking at the 9 of swords in their foundations - they just need to remember why they are together, simply because there's a common attraction and like mindedness there.

5. II of Swords - Representing their passions

For me the two of swords represents a form of peace. It is two minds coming together. By working together their passions are reignited. There is undoubtedly a connection here, they are equal and their truly is a lot of passion in this relationship. For some time their could have been a staleness to their intimacy and passion but by removing the blindfold of complacency there's ignition here to really bond and reconnect.

6. III of Pentacles - Representing their emotions

TEAMWORK. These two are on the same wavelength emotionally too - their emotions are definitely for each other and being able to work together there's a real emotional connection that grows. This card shows that with their commitments to daily life it may not be easy but the work on this relationship is definitely worthwhile.

7. III of Swords - Representing the next 3 months

This card for many people is emotional, scary or even negative because it is said to represent 'heartbreak', however that isn't always the case. There's a feeling that there's something else emotionally draining going on in their life - by this point I've got the feeling it could be the partners work commitments, this could be the part of their life that's getting in the way - but it doesn't have to. It may be a challenging few months as they work through things.

8. VI of Cups - Representing the 3-6months on

The 6 of cups brings joy and happiness to relationships. By this point there's a real sense of balance. The tree in this card with its roots going down into the the earth shows there's a real firm foundation in order for things to grow. Any 6 in the tarot represents balance and as this the cups - there's balance in relationships. There really is contentment here.

9. II of Pentacles - Representing 6-9months on

The card of change. There's new energy all around. There's this real feeling that things have moved in a new direction and that there's this real equal love, connection and bond in this relationship. The butterfly here in this card shows that there's a true transformation taken place. The life they want is here.

10. Ace of Swords - Representing 9-12 months on

This card cuts through the crap, for me it represents a clear path ahead. There is true power, will and direction brought forth and there's a feeling that their plans for the future are going to move swiftly forward. There's power, strength, clairty and truth on the path ahead - all their love, dedication and passion for each other is worthwhile.


The Wild Unknown Tarot is the deck featured in the picture above. It is a fabulously produced deck. It just arrived and I have completely fallen in love with it. The card quality is very good, thick card that won't wear away too easy. The artwork is what gives this deck it's magic. The simple elegance of the deck speaks to your soul, every time you look at the cards you see something different. 10/10

Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Devil Card in the Tarot

I'm not going to lie - when I first started to read the tarot I was always a little cautious of the devil card, probably because of watching 'The Exorcist' at when I was 13 that terrified me beyond belief of 'the devil' never mind picking a card that represented that archetype. As the years have went on, the fear absolutely faded but the card hasn't always had the best reputation, especially with people who have come from a Christian background.

I think it's important to say I don't believe in a 'devil' as such, I do believe negative energy can exist. I do feel that we all have a shadow, a dark-side - an ego. We all have a side of us that can be a little bit thoughtless, cunning or dare I say downright nasty. I don't even dislike the ego - I'm glad I have one, it keeps me in check and If I didn't have it, I wouldn't have learned half of the lessons I've learned at this point. (Thank you ego!) So I believe at this point I'll say - I'm thankful there's a devil card in the tarot too. (Couldn't get more controversial for an Angel expert, right?)

Recently while reading 'Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot' by Lon Milo DuQuette (my new writing hero) I was intrigued by his thoughts on this particular card, he says he feels it's the most misunderstood card in the deck and I would have to agree. Here's a quote to think about from page 137.

"But if the Devil is supposed to be the card that represents evil, which card should we pick to represent good? All the other trumps have the potential of representing the qualities of both good and evil. Why do we need one card just for evil? Can't the Fool be thoughtless enough; the Magus larcenous enough, the High Priestess seductive enough, the Empress wicked enough..." He goes on to make a point to every trump in the deck...

What's your thoughts and experience? Can you see the Devil card as a positive sign? Have you had it come up when visiting a Tarot reader? Are you a Tarot reader? I'd love to know.

Personally I've always read this card as a positive card when my client is happily married as for me it symbolizes a bond that can never be broken. The card in this particular deck as you'll probably know is so phallic (you just need to look at it) so I've always seen the Devil card as a symbol of life force, a passionate lover, the libido, energy - you get the point

Other ways I see this card:

Being held back by your own fears and ego
Feeling chained or stuck in a situation (could be anything from relationships/work/debt)
Being overly materialistic
Sexuality, Sexual attention
The sign of Capricorn

I really seen how this card can have two sides while allowing a client to pick cards recently. She told me about a guy who she really fell in love for quickly but she had been let down off of him twice after 2 long haul flights to visit him. I said "Pick a card from my deck to represent him and we'll see what it says" the card she picked was The Devil reversed;

I personally seen this as someone who can't offer the unbreakable bond of love (at that particular time), that he could be like that Devil on her shoulder that she can't get out of her mind, someone that lured her in with his libido and lust but again, smirking back at her when he can't offer her the commitment she deserves at this time. I pointed out that he isn't a bad guy at all but he really doesn't want to commit himself at this time. She agreed to all of the above.

Would I have changed my mind if it was upright - probably! But the Universe has spoken and I ALWAYS read what the signs say.

Open your mind to the Tarot, it's rich in symbolism and if it scares you - life probably does too, it's time to break those fears friends. It's a wonderful tool.

In this blog I'm giving away a Strength, Heart & Challenge reading. Using the Tarot I will help you discover what your strength is at this time, what your heart is allowing in and the challenge you need to overcome to achieve any goals. Just type a comment why you feel it can help you and you'll be notified by September 21st 2013 (but remember the interaction MUST be about the blog too) x